Can we trust Artificial Intelligence in our classrooms?

Empowering students with personalized learning paths and intelligent tutoring on Humy to unlock their full SAT potential.

Sophie Theodorou
5 min read

So, you've heard the hype around using AI in schools - smart software that can customize lessons for each student, intelligent tutoring systems that can identify where kids need extra help, automated assessments that can reduce teachers' workloads. It all sounds futuristic and exciting. But before we start handing over the reins of education to Artificial Intelligence, we must ask ourselves an important question: can we really trust AI in our classrooms?

How Can AI Help Teachers and Students?

AI has significant potential to enhance teaching and learning. Here are a few of the promising ways AI can support teachers and students:

Personalized Learning

AI can adapt lessons and activities to individual students' needs and learning levels. By analyzing students' skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses, AI systems can tailor instruction to help each student progress at their own pace. This personalized approach keeps students engaged and helps them achieve mastery.

Automated Grading

AI is getting better at evaluating student work, from short-answer questions to full essays. Automated grading systems can analyze written responses, check for common errors or misconceptions, and provide feedback. This frees up teachers to focus on more complex assignments, as well as mentorship and coaching. Of course, human teachers still need to oversee automated grading to ensure accuracy.

Interactive Tutoring

AI tutoring systems provide one-on-one support and practice for students. These virtual tutors can walk students through problems, give hints and explanations, answer questions, and provide feedback. AI tutors are available any time students need help, allowing for additional practice outside of class. Studies show students who use AI tutoring systems tend to achieve better learning outcomes.

Administrative Efficiency

Schools have many time-consuming administrative and organizational tasks, like scheduling classes, tracking student records, and managing budgets. AI and automation can handle many routine tasks, reducing the administrative burden on teachers and staff. This allows more time for teaching, mentoring, and other high-priority work that directly benefits students.

Used properly, AI has significant potential to enhance and improve education. Of course, human teachers are still essential for providing social-emotional support, mentorship, and an inspiring learning environment. But by taking over some routine tasks, AI can free up teachers to focus on what they do best. The key is finding the right balance of human and artificial intelligence in our classrooms.

What Are the Risks of Using AI in Schools?

AI systems can reflect and amplify the prejudices of their human creators. The data used to train AI is often skewed, collected from a narrow subset of people. This can lead to biases that negatively impact marginalized groups.


Some AI have demonstrated gender, racial and other biases. For example, an AI system was found to favor male candidates for technical roles. Another AI rated black defendants as more likely to reoffend. - These biases can negatively impact students from marginalized groups, leading to unequal treatment or opportunities.

Teachers should evaluate AI tools carefully to determine if they demonstrate unfair biases before using them in the classroom. Look for AI that was developed using inclusive data and tested for potential biases. Be extremely wary of using any AI that has been found to discriminate unfairly.

Job Loss and Economic Impact

Some fear that AI will significantly reduce the need for human teachers, tutors, and professors, ultimately costing many people their jobs. While AI will likely transform education and some roles may change or be replaced, human teachers are still essential. AI cannot replicate the empathy, emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills that the best educators possess.

Rather than replace teachers, AI will likely augment human teaching, taking over routine tasks like grading to free up time for meaningful student interactions. Educators may need to adapt to work alongside AI, however, and should make ongoing efforts to improve their skills.

Privacy and Security

Student data privacy and security are major concerns when using AI in schools. AI systems require huge amounts of data to function, and companies may collect more student information than necessary. There is also a risk of data breaches exposing sensitive details.

Strict laws such as COPPA and FERPA regulate student data use, but enforcement is challenging. Schools must ensure that any AI they adopt protects students’ personally identifiable information. Look for AI that limits data collection, provides transparency into how data is used and stored, and has strong security practices. Parents and students should also be informed about what data is being collected and given opportunities to opt out.

With responsible oversight and governance, AI can be used safely and for good in education. But we must be proactively addressing risks around bias, job loss, privacy and security. Our students deserve nothing less.

Best Practices for AI Safety in Education

To ensure AI technology is used responsibly in classrooms, educators should follow some best practices.

Do your research

Before using any AI system, learn about how it works and what data was used to train the model. Some AI can reflect and amplify the biases of its training data. Review the AI for unfair biases and make sure it will be inclusive and respectful towards all students.

Start small and evaluate

Begin by piloting the AI on a small group of students. Closely monitor how students interact with and respond to the AI. Ask for student feedback and input and watch for any issues. It's best to start small in case you need to make changes before expanding the AI's use.

Set guidelines

Establish rules for how students will engage with the AI. For example, require that students are always kind and polite. Prohibit sharing of personal details. Set limits around how long students can interact with the AI each day or week. Make sure students understand the AI has limitations and should not be treated as a real person.

Supervise and support

Actively supervise students when they're using AI systems. Be available to answer questions and address any concerns. Some students may feel uncomfortable with AI, so offer alternatives for them. Monitor students for signs the AI could be causing issues like distraction, confusion, or social isolation. Provide guidance to help students maximize the benefits of using AI for learning.

Continuously improve

Once AI has been implemented, keep evaluating how it's working and make improvements. Look for ways to expand or refine the AI over time based on student and teacher feedback. Regularly check that the AI is still performing as intended and meeting education goals. Be prepared to stop using the AI if issues arise that can't be addressed.

The responsible and ethical use of AI in classrooms requires ongoing effort and oversight. By following recommended best practices, schools can help ensure AI enhances learning in a safe, fair and constructive way. But human teachers should always remain actively involved - artificial intelligence is not a substitute for human intelligence.

How Humy Ensures Safety in the Classroom

Humy was created with safety and ethics in mind. Our AI assistants are designed to act with care, respect, and responsibility in classroom settings. Here are some of the ways we ensure AI is used properly in schools:

Strict Privacy Policies

We have strict data privacy policies to protect students' personal information and learning data. Humy does not collect or share any sensitive details about students. Our AI systems only access the minimum amount of student data needed to respond to questions and provide helpful information to teachers and students.

Bias Monitoring

Our AI models are constantly monitored for unfair biases to prevent issues like gender, racial or socioeconomic prejudice from impacting students. Humy's algorithms are evaluated regularly to make sure all students receive equal, unbiased treatment. We work continuously to improve AI fairness and build inclusive systems.

Human Oversight

Humy assistants are designed to be overseen by teachers and administrators. Our AI systems do not take autonomous actions or make independent decisions that could impact students without human review. Teachers remain in full control of AI technology in their classrooms and can turn off or override the system at any time.

Contextual Awareness

Our AI assistants are built to understand the context in which they operate. Humy knows that classrooms and students have unique needs, skills, backgrounds, and environments. Our systems take contextual details into account to provide the most relevant, helpful and meaningful support for each unique situation. Contextual awareness, combined with human oversight, helps ensure AI is used safely and for maximum benefit.

Ongoing Improvements

We are committed to constantly improving AI safety, ethics, and oversight. Humy regularly reviews new research on AI best practices, privacy concerns, and bias issues to make enhancements to our systems. Through continuous learning and progress, we make sure AI in schools evolves in a safe, responsible, and beneficial way. Our goal is for AI to empower students and teachers, not endanger them.


So what's the verdict? As AI continues to advance into every area of our lives, it's important we consider the pros and cons before unleashing it in our schools. Humy prioritizes safety in the classroom, offering AI-powered interactions without compromising students' security. As Humy sets a standard for safety, other AI platforms are likely to follow suit in prioritizing security measures. 

If we're thoughtful and intentional about how we integrate AI in the classroom, it can be a hugely positive tool for learning. But we must always put students first and make their wellbeing the top priority. The future is unwritten, so let's make sure we're writing it wisely. AI is here to stay, for better or worse. With care and compassion, we can choose better.

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