Humy August Update

Sophie Theodorou

Humy August 2024 Update

Our Most Frequently Requested Feature has arrived...

Just in time for back to school

Hi teachers, as you prepare for the new school year, we're excited to announce some exciting updates to Humy.

Our latest features are designed to make learning more engaging, accessible, and efficient.

What's New at Humy for Back to School:

1. Voices from the Past: Our most widely-requested feature.

Imagine your students hearing Abraham Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address or Marie Curie explain her groundbreaking discoveries.

With our new ElevenLabs voice integration, this is now a reality:

  • Bring historical figures to life in chats and assignments
  • Enhance auditory learning experiences and allow for greater accessibility
  • Increase engagement and retention through multi-sensory learning

Who wouldn’t want to hear their favorite historian ‘speak’?!

Click on the chat below to listen to what Jane Austen has to say about drinking tea:

*Disclaimer: Please pre-teach students that these are not real people, but rather a simulation that uses verified facts and information from the past to allow them to learn about history more authentically in a way that is accessible to all.

2. AI-Led Open-Ended Assignments: Exercise Critical Thinking Skills

  • Create custom assignments for History, Social Studies, and Literacy
  • Get instant, AI-generated feedback on student responses  
  • Easily set up with topic, grade level, language, and number of questions

3. Expanded Language Support

  • Choose a language to have your assignment administered in, now including Nordic languages
  • Cater to diverse classrooms and language learners

Click the image below to see all of our available languages!

4. Advanced Reading Levels

  • Now supporting Adult Education and College level chats!

We can't wait to hear how these new features are integrated into your classes.

As always, we're here to support you in making history come alive for your students - just hit reply to this email with any questions, suggestions, or feature requests!

Here's to an exciting new school year!


Sophie & The Humy Team

PS: We'd love to see Humy's voice feature being put to work in your classroom! Share your experiences on Instagram tagging us @hellohumy or join us on Facebook

PPS: If you're interested in bringing Humy to your entire department or school, we're here to help. Reach out to us here to set up a pilot program. Let's make history come alive for all your students!

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